Past lecturing activity

Invited module in Neuroinformatics NEUR 689 course

This course is a hands-on overview of the available and developing informatics infrastructure for neuroscience research, recommended for all graduate neuroscience students. The invited module presents the main approaches of Machine Learning in the Bioinformatics arena with successful examples of its use. The class includes an hour of practice work using the software WEKA.

Module materials

Advanced Statistics and Data Mining Summer School

This summer school is organized yearly by the Artificial Intelligence Department at the School of Computer Science of the Technical University of Madrid. It is an intensive school aiming at providing attendees with an introduction to the theoretical foundations as well as the practical applications of some of the modern statistical analysis techniques currently in use. The school takes 2 weeks and is divided into 12 courses. Each subject has theoretical classes as well as practical classes in which each technique is put into practice.

Máster en Bioinformática y Biología Computacional

[In Spanish.]