Short bio and research interests

Rubén Armañanzas (a.k.a. Ruben Armananzas) obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Engineering in 2009 (extraordinary doctorate award 08-09) at University of the Basque Country, Spain. He moved to Madrid to work at the Technical University of Madrid within the Cajal Blue Brain Project until fall 2013. He held a research faculty position at the Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study of George Mason University (VA) until late 2018. He moved to the private sector as the manager of the Algorithm Development team at BrainScope Company Inc (Bethesda, MD) until 2020. He is currently a Principal Investigator on Digital Medicine at the Institute of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (Pamplona, Spain).

His research topics are machine learning, computational neuroscience, and data science in life sciences. Applications within these topics include digital medicine, knowledge discovery from neuroscience data, and automatic diagnosis/prognosis of complex disorders.
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